Search Engine Result Pages

Hamza Waseem
6 min readMay 5, 2021

Introduction to SERP:

“SERP are the answers to the questions of the user’s query in the form of pages. When a user reaches any platform to solve his/her query, he types his question in the form of a keyword on Google, and it provides relevant web pages to the user related to his/her question. That web page is called a search engine result page.”

SERP give their users the following features during the search:

● Organic or universal search results.

● Paid or sponsored search results.

● Snippets related to the user’s searched keyword.

● Information provided, with graphs and data.

● Videos and Images according to the search.

Moreover, every search engine result page has its qualities and features. You will see that each platform will give the identical SERP If you searched the same keyword. That is because of the vast experiments performed by search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. That’s why SERP of this time is much more responsive and unique as compared to the past.

Organic results:

As you know, Google has its complex algorithm to rank any web page on Google. Organic results are those results that are recommended by the algorithm of a search engine. Organic products are those results that did not include any ads or sponsorships in them.

The algorithm of any search engine chooses which web page should rank on #1. Today, the most complex and accurate algorithm in all search engines is Google. That Is why google reveals very few points that how to rank a web page on #1.

Let’s discuss some of these features with you:

● Backlinks present on the web pages. It means how many websites are linked to your page — also called Off-page SEO Signals.

● The loading speed of the website matters a lot. If your website takes too long to open, definitely your users shut that page and move toward others.

● Several related keywords you have used on your page.

Some search engine result pages gain more organic results than others on their pages because they make their content according to their users’ different intentions.

Let’s suppose the user searched for information about Elizabeth. That is called the informational intent of the user. That means that the user is just here for information. He does not come to buy something on this page, and there is no sense in putting ads on the page.

Some users searched for Navigational intentions. That means searching the keyword to get the URL of a website or get the location of any place or for another navigational purpose. So, there is no such need to put any sponsorship on the page.

Many users searched the keywords to buy anything, and this is called transactional intention. These results are those results where there are the chances of purchasing anything by the user. Here is the need to display the ads. That means that most SERPs got more successful organic results and clicks due to their relevance based on their audience’s intentions.

Paid results:

The next type, other than organic results, is the paid results.

What are paid results?

Advertisers have paid those results to display their ads on the web page. Now, there are lots of such web pages that contain paid results as compared to organic products.

According to recent research, it is declared that ads appear 51.61% of page one SERP. That means that every SERP of page one has 3.10% of ads displayed on their pages.

Some ads are called PPC ads, while some are featured ad extensions. PPC ads are generally called Pay Per Click ads. These ads are those ads on which the advertiser pays for each click by the user. Suppose the user searched for the restaurant near him. Suddenly the ad pops up. If he clicks on the ad, you are going to pay for that click by the advertiser.

Featured ad extensions are those ads that give direction to their customers directly to the pages or website from the ads. If Google realizes any SERP as more informative and unique content, it puts the ads up and down on your web page.

Some ads are called shopping ads. Such types of ads are based on images. Suppose you have searched for any product. You can see the short feedback of some development on the right corner of SERP. This is a very fantastic feature of Google Adwords. This feature permits the retailers to show a brief description of products on the side of SERP. That helps a lot get the product’s information, whether available or not, its price and other aspects.

Featured Snippets:

Featured snippets are content retrieved from the web pages to give the right information to the user in a concise way.

According to recent research, It is concluded that the CTR of featured snippets increased at a rapid rate from 2% to 8% when placed in the answer box and gets more organic traffic.

Are there any types of snippets?

Yes, there are different types of snippets that you can also observe while searching for anything. Let’s discuss all of them:

Paragraph snippets: These Snippets are in the form of paragraphs. If any user searches for a query and gets the snippet of the answer in the form of a section, it is called paragraph snippets. Paragraph snippets mostly appear when the user searches for “WHAT IS or HOW” IS keywords.

Bulleted snippets: These snippets mostly appear when the user searches for types or best products, such as best domains of WordPress, best Domain providers of 2021. In this sense, Google provides bulleted or numbered snippets to such users.

Table snippets: Such snippets in which information is given in the form of tables. Suppose you searched for any WordPress domain. You will get the price, date, and eligibility of the domain in the form of a table.

Video snippets: The snippet recommended by the search engine in the form of video is called video snippets. If you have searched for any query and get the video snippet, you can click on the below SERP and access the video on the web page.

HOW can snippets increase the CTR?

In my opinion, Snippets are one of the best opportunities for you to get more organic CTR on your content and web page. If your content is relevant to your audience, Google automatically shows the short paragraph as a snippet on the SERPs’ top. That will increase Organic CTR.

Knowledge Graphs:

These are information based on different places, businesses, essential personalities. Google expanded this into particular details, which is called Wikipedia. Wikipedia is all about the information related to the product, company, place, etc.

This knowledge panel often appears on the right side of the search engine results page. Most of the information included in the Knowledge panels is human-edited, due to which it is out of reach for most of the websites.

Google imaging:

Google provides the information to their users with comprehensive research and effectiveness. When a user searches for any required query, Google collects all the relevant images from different SERPand makes the album of images related to the user’s keyword. These images are displayed in a horizontal way above the SERP.

Video results of Google:

Like Imaging, Google provides the user video results according to the searched keyword of the user. These videos are also displayed in a horizontal way above the SERP.

According to recent research, most of the videos recommended by Google are from youtube. 80% of the videos are linked with youtube.

Suppose you have searched for “How to make Pasta.” Google does not give you full tips about it. But it recommends you a video, which the user sees by clicking on the video from the linked web page.

People also ask for results:

One of the most unique and popping features Google has introduced is the people also ask section. When the user searches for any query with a keyword, Google automatically provides the related searches by people according to the user’s keyword. That will help users get more information about the question he has searched.

According to recent research, It is assumed that 50% of the SERP contains “people who also ask for” features in their contents.

How does this feature help in searching the keywords for content?

In addition to that, Let’s give you a unique tip related to this feature. If you are writing content and want to search for the most relevant keywords, you can search your primary keyword on Google and then get to the middle of SERP to reach people who also ask the section. Here you can quickly get the long-tail keywords for your content. This feature helps you a lot in ranking.


So, this is all about search engine result pages. It is not all because Google is changing its algorithm over time and introducing more stats and features. In this way, Google is the most authentic platform related to its algorithms. If you are confused about the SERP, snippets, paid or organic results, this article will help you. I hope you have learned a lot from that article.



Hamza Waseem

hamza Waseem I am 17 years old and a beginner in the field of freelance blog writing.